2010年5月3日 星期一



Many audiophiles are not music lover. They are unwilling to spend on music but thousands on gears. Pitiful! They love listening to background noise like frog, coughing, motor, etc and not the essence of music. Audiophiles hold dearly to few "reference" CDs. They could be the most dynamic, widest soundstaging, utmost detailed, thunderous bass, ultra sound effects etc but they are hardly any musical value. Could you listen those CDs for hours? They ONLY pick and play a track or two from the album to show off the capability of their setups. However, the recent audiophile CDs have added the musical element in, fortunately.

看來他也對這種現像有些感慨。我先前就這個現象寫了一篇短文「蛙叫蟲鳴」,遭一位匿名讀者指教了一翻。今天卻發現他的留言消失了,令人錯愕。不知是他自己刪除了,還是 blogger 系統的問題?「牙尖嘴利音響頻道」開宗明義不是個和氣的所在,開張至今有這麼多留言批評,看來我寫的文章果然很討人厭啊!

2 則留言:

DomDom 提到...

Unfortunately, this is the truth; at least in Hong Kong.

There are some very high quality Music Lovers Audiophiles but most of them are only 音效派.

WF 提到...

DomDom 兄,歡迎來到這裡。最近好像特別多香港的朋友到來,真是令人開心。香港真是的發燒片的重鎮,好多華文「天碟」都是在香港 remaster 和後製,非常強調細節和甜美的音色,效果十足。


據說台灣的 Stereo Sound 中文版已經停刊了(止於 172 期),但香港似乎還有發行。香港其他兩三本音響雜誌也還不錯(雖然「發燒音響」的口吻總是誇張些),少少的人口居然能撐起這麼大的市場和幾本雜誌。同樣是華人,香港真是不能不令人讚歎。


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