最近重讀 47 Labs 的老闆 Junji Kimura(木村準二)的文章,記錄他設計旗艦級 CD 轉盤 PiTracer 的思維。其中這一段,寫到他不斷提醒自己打破成見,嘗試各種新的可能性,說得真是好極了:
To prove the 80% of intuition, you have to make it into an actual form. You can't draw a schematic with an intuition, or choose the parts. The electrical parts are basically standardized and come with certain limitations. In other words, you don't need to wonder around too much there.
However, to design a mechanical part by yourself is a different story. Your past experiences can be an obstacle. We tend to be conservative when it comes to our own specialty. When somebody comes up with an idea, you can counter it immediately with 10 different reasons why it doesn't work! This happens with every profession and we can't give birth to something new without overcoming this phenomenon! That's a warning I gave to myself while designing PiTracer.
Junji 總是能用最少的零件,極低的成本,做出一樣又一樣聲音鮮活、富有個性的器材。各種 47-Clone 幾乎主導了近十年的音響 DIY 世界,從擴大機 Gainclone、NOS DAC、唱頭放大器 Phonoclone、及至 CD 轉盤 Shigaclone,風潮之普及、影響之深遠,教人津津樂道。47 Labs 在 hi-end 音響界不過是個非主流的小眾品牌,在 DIY 界卻有如眾望所寄的精神領袖。我真好奇 Junji 如何看待 DIY 界這幾年瘋狂的 47-Clone 現象。