前天翻閱過期的 The Absolute Sound 雜誌,第 151 期的 The Cutting Edge 專欄正好討論到相同的話題,篇名為 Playback Systems: What Matters Most?。TAS 找 Wilson Audio 的創辦人 David A. Wilson 和 Linn 的創辦人 Ivor Tiefenbrun 來各置一詞,然而參與討論的 TAS 評論員 Jonathan Valin 倒是提出了一個不錯的見解:
What I can say is that over the last three decades I've owned or reviewed several wonderful systems in which the loudspeakers were inexpensive, or relatively so--like the Maggie 1.6QRs or LS3/5a's or the original Quads. I've also owned or reviewed wonderful systems in which the loudspeakers were very expensive--like the Rockport Hyperions or the Kharma 3.2 Monitors. But I don't think I've ever owned or reviewed a truly satisfying system in which the front end wasn't first-rate.