2012年10月15日 星期一

Jonathan Carr 談改機

當今網路便捷,全民上網,high end 設計師直接在網路上與音響迷互動,已不稀奇。甚至與音響迷吵架的,也大有人在。這些專業人士,功力深湛不說,經驗與從業的觀點,更是一般素人 DIYer 所以難以體察的。他們的隻言片語,對 DIYer 來說常有莫大的啟發。

在這些設計師的發言中,我最近欣賞 Lyra Connoisseur 的工程師 Jonathan Carr。Jonathan Carr 的文章,散見於 Audio AsylumdiyAudiodiyHifi 等討論區,為數不多,內容不勁爆,也不發驚人之語,但態度誠懇,更蘊涵了一番深思熟慮的智性。

過去曾介紹過兩篇 Jonathan Carr 的文章:〈Jonathan Carr 大師班:拆機、改機、調音示範〉 與 〈Jonathan Carr 談電源變壓器〉,這次再看他對改機一事的看法及態度。

他認為,在改機前,會先了解機器原始設計的特點,去揣摩原設計者的想法與企圖,再以此出發進行改機。所以,他會把握兩點原則。第一是,他不會去更動原機的技術架構,管機就是管機、晶體機就是晶體機、OP-Amp 就是 OP-Amp。如果硬把晶體改成管機,那從頭開始組裝一部管機就好了,又何必拿晶體機來改呢?

when I am modding someone else's design, I have two self-imposed rules as to what I consider kosher practice and what I don't. My first rule is that I won't introduce technology that the stock unit doesn't already have. So if it's opamp, it stays opamp, if it's discrete solid-state, it stays SS, and if it's tubes, it stays that way.
My second self-imposed rule is that if I feel that the original designer put in a credible attempt at voicing the unit in a musically valid way, I will try my best to keep that basic tonal personality. If I feel that the original designer couldn't be bothered with what the unit actually sounded like, I wouldn't have bought that unit in the first place. The same would be true if I disagreed with the basic tonal personality of the stock version.

再附上幾張 Jonathan Carr 的作品照片,非常漂亮的 Lyra Connoisseur 4.2L SE:

在 PCB 上搭棚,各取兩方式之長。




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